Monday, June 28, 2010

it's just another manic monday

Today is Monday and we are hosting a "Book Keeping and Records Management" workshop here at the Kampala KWDT office. 24 women from 12 of the women's groups are here for training on how to do efficient book keeping and we are checking up on all of their records for milk production, member registration, loan payback, meeting minutes and report writing. After lunch, some of the participants will share their experiences and we will examine some case studies and group reports. The final activity is a trust building game that I am putting on.

The leadership meeting last week went well, but we moved my presentation of the bio-sand filters to today so that we could judge the groups book keeping from today's meeting. After the activity, I will announce the best 3 women groups that will be awarded with bio-sand filters. The filters themselves are not here for me to hand over because they are built out in the field, but I will be announcing the recipients here and hopefully get to go out to Katosi later in July to distribute them.

Here's today's schedule!

Break tea
Welcoming remarks & Recap: Introduction to good records keeping
Group discussion / Review of records

Members data book
Registration book in meetings
Milk records
Cow records
Minutes book
Report writing

Lunch break
Sharing of experiences: 3 case studies
Comments on group reports
Trust Building activity and awarding best groups

On wednesday, Scarlet and I are planning to go out to Katosi to help Avery with her intern project, building tippy taps at St. John's Bosco school!

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