Thursday, July 22, 2010

deuces, uganda.

so i would just like to say thanks to all the other "interns" who MAROONED Julia, Regina, Colleen and I in Africa while they went back home to eat cookout milkshakes (Lauren). Just kidding though. I hate you, not really, but kind of. Its just four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Eastern Africa. Meaning its obvious I am fiending to watch The Hangover.The bombings in Kampala were definitely scary to say the least. The newspapers here were very graphic, and the images made the bombings that much more real. I felt unsafe for a few days afterwards, but when we returned to our village I felt protected by our steadfast jaa jaa (friendly neighborhood grandmother). I seriously don't doubt her ability to stop even nuclear warfare.

Even though our stay was prolonged, the last weekend in our village was a great one. On Friday we went to a school competition, where schools around the area competed in athletic games, to support the kids we teach during the week. Our school made it to finals in girls netball (a rugby/basketball/volleyball like game) and boys soccer. I was so proud, and it was fun cheering on the kids that were playing. Friday night we taught our coworkers the American way to throw a party (which was really 12 people crammed in our small apartment and playing flip cup by candlelight). All in all, it was a great success. Sunday, Regina and I rescued Julia from a cassava stand in our village by delivering her her poncho when it began to hurricane for approximately 17 hours.

The saddest day was the day we told our kids at school goodbye. When they all gathered around to hug me I thought I was going to die. I gave my tennis shoes to a boy in my class that plays on the school soccer team, and the look on his face was priceless. Saying goodbye to my kids and my coworkers was difficult because they were my family this summer, even though I'm excited to come home and see my family in the US. Unfortunately, no emotion hits me until about 3 days later, so instead of crying when I left the school I cried at the end of our bootleg rented copy of Toy Story 3 last night.

Home in two days. So weird. This is the last blog until I get onto American werraba and sula belungi (goodbye and good night)!


Unknown said...

What a great experience! Working abroad really has a great lasting impact on your life. It really opens your eyes to the rest of the world and how they live.

SilbadorProfesional said...


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