Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Anticipation of a New Adventure

At the moment there is almost too much to do get done to stop and consider the fact that I will be leaving the US in five days. Moving out of the apartment, purchasing supplies for the summer, and making copies of every document in my name is turning out to be quite a project. At the same time, a sense of nervous anticipation is moving to the forefront of my mind as the departure date arrives. I think that as everything comes together this feeling will be replaced by total excitement (at least I hope).

My greatest fear about the trip is not being accepted by the Kasese community, and dismissed as a muzungu. In hopes that this does not happen I am excited to get to know my co-workers at CETRUD whom Lea has told me wonderful things about. I hope to bond with these people and learn as much as I can from them in my short time in Kasese. Although I am not entirely sure what I am going to be working on this summer I feel ready to take on whatever is thrown my way. I look forward to learning first hand about Ugandan culture and language. I am ready to learn about the programs that CETRUD offers to the community, and get a feel for grassroots operations that make a big impact in people's lives.

Perhaps more than anything else right now I want to see the Rwenzori Mountain that I have seen so many pictures of, and eat some matooke!

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